consultative meeting for development of training module on climatechange and health (29/01/23)
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Prof Dr. Iqbal Kabir Visiting PHD Mid-Wife training centre, Khulna Consultative Meeting at Upazila Health Complex, Rampal, Bagerhat Consultative Meeting at Civil Surgeon’s office, Bhola district Prof. Dr. Iqbal Kabir, Co-ordinator, CCHPU visiting Srifoltola Community Clinic, Rampal, Bagerhat CCHPU Team and PHD team meeting with Deputy Commissioner, Bhola district. Civil Surgeon of Bhola district was also present CCHPU Team lead by Prof. Dr. Iqbal Kabir meeting with community leaders in Rahim Chowkider Community Clinic, Char Kukrimukri, Char Fasson, Bhola